All semi permanent makeup is done as a ‘TWO PART’ treatment. Includes consultation
- You must be over 18 years of age.
- You cannot have this treatment if you;
- Are breastfeeding
- Are pregnant
- Have had fillers or Botox in or around the area to be treated
- Recent surgery around area to be treated
- Have a serious medical condition without a letter of consent from your GP
- Have an active cold sore if having a lip procedure
- Have an eye infection or stye if having an eyeliner procedure
- You must be off Roaccutane for at least a year
- Oily skin types will find the pigment will fade.
- Do not take Asprin or Ibuprofen (unless medically necessary) 72 hrs before your treatment
- Avoid caffeine and/or alcohol 48hrs prior to your treatment
- Waxing or tinting must be done at least 48hrs prior to the treatment
- Lash lifting/perming done 1 week before procedure
- Stop using lash stimulating serums 2 weeks prior to the treatment if having eyeliner
- If you having a lip procedure and are prone to cold sores take anti-viral medication (prescribed by the doctor, explaining you are prone and having a lip procedure) 5 days before.
- Bring your glasses if you wear contact lenses as these have to be removed when having an eyeliner procedure.
- False lashes MUST be removed if having an eyeliner procedure and cannot be reapplied until 2 weeks after the scabs have completely come off, remember there is the Top Up treatment, so probably not worth having them on until process has been completed.
- If having a lip procedure, exfoliate lips 24 hours prior to the treatment.
- Prior to the appointment, a consultation and scratch test placed behind your ear and left on for 24hrs. This doesn’t hurt but is required to check you are not allergic to the products used. Check for any medical conditions and contra-indications. Book appointment.
- On the day, start numbing process while you fill in and sign a full medical and consent form, ensuring you are happy and understand everything involved. AFTERCARE advice is discussed fully.
- Careful mapping and colour consideration is performed and discussed.
- Treatment begins and extra numbing cream is applied to make this treatment comfortable.
- That’s the first part done! next is the HEALING PROCESS. This takes 4-6 weeks and this is where AFTERCARE is important.
- This is a 2 part treatment and a TOP UP is necessary and needs to be done 4-6 weeks after the first treatment.
- Expect the pigment colour to be 40-50% darker, this will fade over the week. There could also be some swelling.
- Over the weeks prior to your top up appointment the colour will fade and become patchy, this is normal and why its a 2 part treatment and you will need a top up.
- In some cases, certain skin types may have poor colour retention and may require a further top up. This can be carried out for small charge but is advised not more than a few times over a year due to traumatising the skin.
I will go through the aftercare with you after your procedure and give you a detailed sheet for you to refer to but to give you an idea please read the following.
FOR THE FIRST 1-2WEEKS or until scabbing has come off;
- No exercise
- No alcohol
- Only paracetamol for pain relief
- No makeup on the treated area
- Avoid touching
- DRY HEAL don’t put ANYTHING on the treated area OTHER THAN LIP PROCEDURES, a healing balm is given to you following your LIP treatment ONLY and this can be applied often.
- Do NOT get them WET, until the scabs have all come off in 1-2wks.
- Do not do anything that will encourage you to sweat or the scabs to go soft and fall off prematurely.
- Do not pick or scratch, this can cause infection or scarring.
- Avoid the sun and sun beds. Once healed ALWAYS put a factor 50 SPF, otherwise premature fading will occur.
- Try to sleep so your face is not in direct contact with the pillow.
- No makeup of any kind on the treated area.
- No saunas, steam rooms, sun, exercise.
- Avoid SWEATING-getting wet or SALTY until the scabs have fallen off, will CAUSE the pigment to be LOST or fade considerably!
- The whole treatment process is around 8-10 weeks, during this time it is recommended not to have any sunny holidays booked or spa days etc.
- Always cover your eyebrows with a factor 50 cream. The sun will fade the pigment prematurely.
- Be mindful when your colour boost is due
- Everybody’s skin and lifestyle is different and all these factors will effect how quickly or slowly the pigment will fade.